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Website Redesign – RSM Alliance

The Alliance team came to me requesting help with the transition of their current client facing experience from a sharepoint platform to a new web based platform utilizing Power Apps. What the Alliance team wanted was to give their admins and page owners the ability to feel like they could create their own experiences, but we needed to still create parameters in order to remain consistent and within the RSM Branded standards. 


To strategically curate a templated structure so that the transition from SharePoint to the new web based solution had content guidance and parameters for design, and better usability


Initial user feedback session were done to gather insights on how current users where using the older system and identification of pain points could be honed in on. Content analysis of the  old site was done in order to identify thematic occurrences in content across the Alliance experience. Based on the content themes identified a a design strategy could begin. A amin templated structure was created with parameter on main areas like the header, Navigation and first block in the templay as a way  create consistency and incorporate the needs of accissibility. Once the template was sound compoenents and variation of those compoenents could be created.


Transition of content was successful and stakeholder were happy with the initial MVP direction of the solution. Today we are currently manually cleaning up content to adhere to the UX templated parameters given, but that was part of the planned roadmap.

Skeleton of inital home page to start the direction of templates to follow

Concepts/Skeletons of the templates and variations



Phone: 952-210-0439

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